Namelaka Recipe

Luscious Namelaka Recipe: Indulge in Creamy Bliss with this Delectable Dessert



  • Cuisine: Japanese
  • Category: Dessert
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Yields: 2
  • Calories: 1500 calories

About this recipe

So, let me introduce you to this dreamy and creamy delight called Namelaka. Picture a dessert that's like a cross between ganache and mousse, but even smoother and more luxurious. Yep, that's namelaka!

It's a fantastic creation that hails from Japan, and the name itself is a mix of Japanese and French, which is pretty cool. "Nama" means fresh or raw, and "laka" comes from the French word "laque," meaning lacquer or varnish. So, it's like a fresh, velvety masterpiece!

The magic starts with some high-quality white chocolate (you can use other types too) melted to perfection. Then, we mix in some heavy cream that's been gently heated and a touch of gelatin to give it that fantastic texture.

The result? A smooth, creamy wonderland that'll make your taste buds dance with joy! It's got this richness that's balanced with just the right amount of sweetness. And the best part is, you can play around with flavors! Add fruit purees, extracts, or whatever your heart desires to create unique twists.

Namelaka's perfect for all sorts of desserts. Fill cakes with it, top tarts, cupcakes, or éclairs. You can even serve it in dessert cups or use it as a dip for fruit. Oh, and the presentation is a breeze. Garnish with fresh fruits, chocolate shavings, or anything that tickles your fancy!

The fun doesn't end there. Namelaka can be your partner in dessert crime for a few days if you store it properly in the fridge. Just make sure to bring it to room temperature before using it again.

So, get ready to dive into this delightful dessert adventure. Namelaka is here to make your desserts extraordinary, whether it's a grand celebration or just a cozy treat at home. Enjoy creating and savoring this luscious namelaka goodness! Happy dessert-making! 😊🍰🍫

Namelaka recipe origin and background

To my understanding, the namelaka recipe has its origins in Japan. The term "namelaka" is derived from two Japanese words: "nama," which means "fresh" or "raw," and "laka," which is the transliteration of the French word "laque," meaning "lacquer" or "varnish." This name reflects the dessert's smooth and creamy texture, akin to the smoothness of lacquer.

The namelaka technique was first developed by a renowned Japanese pâtissier (pastry chef) named Yasumasa Takagi. He is the founder of the popular Japanese patisserie chain called "Le Chocolat de H."

He introduced this innovative ganache-like cream in the early 2000s as a way to achieve a velvety texture in desserts that wasn't overly heavy or dense.

The namelaka recipe quickly gained popularity in Japan and eventually spread to other parts of the world. It became a favorite among pastry chefs and dessert enthusiasts due to its versatility and luxurious texture.

Namelaka is often used as a filling or topping in cakes, tarts, éclairs, and other desserts, and its creamy consistency allows for beautiful, smooth finishes.

Today, you can find namelaka variations with different types of chocolate, added fruit purees, or other flavorings, keeping the core concept of a smooth, creamy, and luscious ganache-like cream.

Why make this recipe?

  1. Creamy and Luxurious Texture: Namelaka is known for its incredibly smooth and creamy texture. If you enjoy desserts that melt in your mouth and have a velvety consistency, namelaka will not disappoint. It offers a luxurious eating experience that is both indulgent and delightful.
  2. Versatility: Namelaka is a versatile dessert component that can be used in various ways. You can use it as a filling for cakes, tarts, and pastries, or as a topping for cupcakes and desserts. Its versatility allows you to get creative with your dessert creations.
  3. Decadent Flavor: Made with high-quality chocolate and cream, namelaka has a rich and decadent flavor. The sweetness of the chocolate is balanced by the cream, creating a delightful taste that is not overly sugary.
  4. Impress Your Guests: If you're hosting a special occasion or dinner party, using namelaka in your desserts can impress your guests. Its smooth appearance and luxurious taste will make your creations stand out and leave a lasting impression on your friends and family.
  5. Innovative Dessert Experience: Namelaka is a relatively modern dessert technique that has gained popularity in recent years. Trying this recipe will give you the opportunity to explore a unique and innovative dessert experience that might not be as familiar to everyone, adding an element of surprise to your desserts.
  6. Customize Flavors: While the basic namelaka recipe is delicious on its own, you can easily customize the flavors by adding fruit purees, extracts, or other ingredients. This allows you to tailor the namelaka to suit your preferences and create various flavor combinations.
  7. Fun and Rewarding: Trying new dessert recipes can be a fun and rewarding experience. Making namelaka involves a straightforward process, and the end result is a creamy and impressive treat that you can take pride in creating.
  8. Shareable and Gift-Worthy: If you enjoy baking or making desserts for friends and family, namelaka is an excellent option to consider. You can make a batch and share it as a gift or use it as a delightful surprise in your homemade dessert gifts.

What does Namelaka taste like?

Namelaka has a luxurious and indulgent taste, offering a delightful experience for anyone with a sweet tooth. Its flavor profile depends on the type of chocolate used and any additional flavorings or ingredients incorporated into the recipe.

Creamy and Sweet: Namelaka is incredibly creamy and smooth, thanks to the combination of chocolate and cream. The creaminess gives it a velvety mouthfeel that melts in your mouth.

Rich and Decadent: The use of high-quality chocolate imparts a rich and decadent flavor. The sweetness of the white chocolate is balanced by the cream, resulting in a luxurious taste that's not overly sugary.

Milky and Buttery: White chocolate namelaka has a milky and buttery taste, with a hint of vanilla undertones. It's akin to the flavor of white chocolate itself but elevated to a new level of smoothness and creaminess.

The taste of namelaka can be enhanced further by using different types of chocolate, such as dark or milk chocolate, to achieve variations in flavor. Additionally, incorporating complementary ingredients like fruit, coffee, nuts, or spices can result in exciting flavor combinations that make namelaka a versatile and enticing dessert component.

What is in Namelaka?

  • White Chocolate: White chocolate is the main ingredient in namelaka, providing the rich and creamy flavor. Make sure to use high-quality white chocolate with a good cocoa butter content for the best results.
  • Heavy Cream (Whipping Cream): Heavy cream is combined with the chocolate to create the smooth and luscious texture of namelaka. It adds richness and creaminess to the dessert.
  • Gelatin Powder: Gelatin is used to stabilize the namelaka and give it a firm consistency once it sets. It's essential for achieving the velvety texture.
  • Cold Water: Cold water is used to bloom the gelatin. Blooming is the process of softening the gelatin before incorporating it into the cream mixture.
  • Fruit Puree or Extracts: You can add fruit purees or extracts like raspberry, passion fruit, or mango to infuse the namelaka with different fruit flavors.
  • Other Flavorings: To further customize the taste, you can use other flavorings like vanilla extract, almond extract, or coffee extract.

Equipment needed for this recipe

  • Heatproof Bowl: A heatproof bowl is used to melt the chocolate. It should be able to withstand heat without melting or cracking. A stainless steel or glass bowl works well.
  • Saucepan: You'll need a saucepan to heat the cream for the namelaka mixture.
  • Whisk or Spoon: A whisk or spoon is used to stir the cream while it's being heated and to combine the melted chocolate and cream together.
  • Immersion Blender or Regular Blender (Optional): An immersion blender or regular blender is used to achieve an extra smooth and creamy texture in the namelaka. This step is optional but can enhance the final texture.
  • Plastic Wrap: Plastic wrap is used to cover the namelaka mixture while it chills in the refrigerator to prevent a skin from forming.
  • Refrigerator: Chilling the namelaka is crucial for it to set to a spreadable consistency. A refrigerator is required for this step.

How to make Namelaka

Discover a heavenly Namelaka recipe - a velvety smooth and luxurious dessert. This creamy delight is perfect for cakes, tarts, and more! Try it today.


  • 150g white chocolate (you can also use dark or milk chocolate for different variations)
  • 250ml heavy cream (whipping cream)
  • 1 tsp gelatin powder
  • 2 tbsp cold water


  1. Bloom the gelatin: In a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin powder over the cold water and let it sit for a few minutes until it absorbs the water and becomes soft.
  2. Melt the chocolate: Chop the white chocolate into small pieces and place them in a heatproof bowl. You can use a microwave or a double boiler to melt the chocolate. If using a microwave, heat the chocolate in short intervals, stirring between each interval until smooth. If using a double boiler, place the bowl over simmering water and stir until melted.
  3. Warm the cream: In a saucepan, heat the heavy cream over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Remove it from the heat just before it boils.
  4. Incorporate the gelatin: Add the bloomed gelatin to the warm cream and stir until the gelatin completely dissolves.
  5. Mix the chocolate and cream: Pour the warm cream mixture over the melted chocolate. Let it sit for a minute to allow the chocolate to soften, then stir gently until you have a smooth and glossy mixture.
  6. Blend the mixture: For an extra smooth and creamy texture, you can use an immersion blender or regular blender to mix the namelaka. Blend carefully to avoid incorporating air bubbles.
  7. Chill the namelaka: Cover the namelaka mixture with plastic wrap, ensuring it touches the surface of the mixture to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate the namelaka for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight until it sets and thickens to a spreadable consistency.

How would you serve Namelaka recipe?

Serving namelaka is a delightful experience, as its smooth and creamy texture makes it an excellent complement to various desserts. Here's how you can serve namelaka:

  1. Choose a Dessert Base: Namelaka is often used as a filling or topping for various desserts. You can serve it with different bases.
  2. Pipe or Spread Namelaka: Depending on the dessert base you choose, you can either pipe or spread the namelaka.
  3. Garnish: Add some garnishes to enhance the presentation and flavor of the dessert. Some ideas include:
  4. Chill and Serve: Once you've assembled the dessert with namelaka, refrigerate it for a short time if needed to set the namelaka further. Then, serve the dessert chilled and enjoy its creamy and delicious taste.

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Recipe Tags: Namelaka, Namelaka Recipe, Recipe, Easy, Homemade, Top rated

What to serve Namelaka with

  1. Cakes: Use namelaka as a filling between cake layers or as a frosting on top of cakes. It pairs well with various cake flavors like vanilla, chocolate, lemon, or berry cakes.
  2. Tarts: Spread namelaka inside pre-baked tart shells and top with fresh fruits or berries. It complements fruit tarts, such as raspberry, strawberry, or mixed fruit tarts.
  3. Cupcakes: Fill cupcakes with namelaka using a piping bag or spread it on top like a frosting. It adds a luxurious touch to cupcakes of any flavor.
  4. Éclairs: Pipe namelaka inside freshly baked éclair shells for a delicious and elegant cream filling.
  5. Pastries: Use namelaka as a filling in puff pastries or other flaky pastries for a creamy and delightful treat.
  6. Dessert Cups: Serve namelaka in small dessert cups or glasses, layering it with other elements like cookie crumbs, fruit compote, or cake crumbles.
  7. Crepes: Spread a layer of namelaka on warm crepes and fold them for a heavenly dessert.
  8. Waffles: Drizzle namelaka over freshly made waffles and top with fruits or a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
  9. Macarons: Sandwich namelaka between two macaron shells for a luxurious and flavorful macaron experience.
  10. Cheesecakes: Top cheesecakes with namelaka for an added layer of creaminess and elegance.
  11. Fruit Parfaits: Layer namelaka with fresh fruits and granola in parfait glasses for a delightful and refreshing dessert.
  12. Fruit Dipping Sauce: Serve namelaka as a dipping sauce for fresh fruit skewers or fruit platters.
  13. Chocolate Fondue: Use namelaka as a dip for chocolate fondue, providing a creamy contrast to the melted chocolate.
  14. Ice Cream Topping: Warm up the namelaka slightly and use it as a topping for ice cream or gelato.

My recommendations and tips

  1. Quality Ingredients: Use high-quality chocolate and fresh heavy cream for the best results. The quality of these ingredients will directly impact the flavor and texture of your namelaka.
  2. Choose Chocolate Wisely: Experiment with different types of chocolate (white, dark, or milk) to create unique flavor profiles. Each type of chocolate will result in a distinct taste and color.
  3. Gelatin Handling: Make sure to properly bloom the gelatin by sprinkling it over cold water and letting it sit before using it. Stir well to ensure there are no lumps of gelatin in your namelaka.
  4. Gentle Melting: When melting the chocolate, do it gently to avoid overheating, as white chocolate can be more sensitive to heat. Use short intervals in the microwave or a double boiler method if using stovetop.
  5. Smooth Texture: If you want an extra smooth texture, consider using an immersion blender or regular blender to mix the namelaka. Blend carefully to avoid incorporating air bubbles.
  6. Flavor Experimentation: Don't be afraid to experiment with flavorings. Add extracts, essences, or fruit purees to create a wide range of flavored namelaka.
  7. Chilling Time: Be patient and allow the namelaka to chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight. This ensures it sets to a spreadable consistency.
  8. Serving Options: Explore various serving options, such as using namelaka as a cake filling, a tart topping, or a cupcake frosting. The versatility of namelaka allows you to get creative with your dessert creations.
  9. Garnishing: Enhance the presentation by garnishing with fresh fruits, chocolate shavings, nuts, or a light dusting of cocoa powder or powdered sugar.
  10. Storage: If you have leftover namelaka, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It will keep well for a few days and can be used as a delicious spread or topping for other treats.
  11. Temperature: Remember to serve namelaka chilled for the best texture and flavor experience.
  12. Share and Enjoy: Sharing your namelaka creations with friends and family is a wonderful way to spread joy and indulge in delicious treats together.
  13. Have Fun: Making namelaka is an enjoyable process, so have fun with it! Experiment with flavors, decorations, and dessert combinations to create your own signature namelaka desserts.

Potential ingredients substitutes

  1. Chocolate Substitute:
    • Dark Chocolate: You can use dark chocolate instead of white chocolate for a richer and more intense flavor.
    • Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate will add a creamier and sweeter taste compared to white chocolate.
  2. Gelatin Substitute:
    • Agar Agar: For a vegetarian-friendly alternative, you can use agar agar instead of gelatin. Follow the package instructions for the appropriate amount to use.
    • Cornstarch: While cornstarch won't provide the same gelling effect as gelatin, it can still help thicken the mixture slightly. Use a small amount and dissolve it in warm cream before adding it to the melted chocolate.
  3. Cream Substitute:
    • Coconut Cream: If you prefer a non-dairy option, you can use coconut cream instead of heavy cream. It will impart a subtle coconut flavor to the namelaka.
    • Half-and-Half: Half-and-half can be used as a lighter substitute for heavy cream, but keep in mind that the final result may not be as creamy.
  4. Flavoring Substitutes:
    • Fruit Puree: To add a fruity flavor, you can use various fruit purees like raspberry, strawberry, mango, or passion fruit.
    • Extracts or Essences: Vanilla extract, almond extract, or other flavor extracts can add a delicious twist to the namelaka.

Additional note

  1. Storage: Once prepared, namelaka can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days. Before using it, let it come to room temperature or reheat it slightly to achieve a spreadable consistency.
  2. Stability: Namelaka is stable at room temperature for short periods, making it suitable for use as a filling or frosting in desserts that won't be refrigerated for an extended time.
  3. Sweetness: The sweetness of namelaka can be adjusted to your taste. If you prefer a less sweet version, consider using a darker chocolate or reducing the amount of sugar in the recipe.
  4. Gelatin Bloom Time: Make sure to let the gelatin bloom properly by giving it enough time to soften and absorb water before incorporating it into the cream mixture. This ensures it dissolves evenly and effectively thickens the namelaka.
  5. Flavor Intensity: If you're adding flavorings like fruit purees or extracts, start with a small amount and taste the mixture before adding more. Some flavorings can be quite potent, and a little can go a long way.
  6. Texture Variations: The texture of namelaka can be adjusted by varying the chocolate-to-cream ratio. More chocolate will result in a firmer, denser namelaka, while more cream will yield a lighter, softer texture.
  7. Avoid Overheating Chocolate: When melting the chocolate, avoid overheating it, as white chocolate can be sensitive to high temperatures and might seize or become grainy.
  8. Thin Consistency: If your namelaka turns out too thin, you can try adding more melted chocolate to thicken it or refrigerating it for a bit longer to firm up.
  9. Shelf Life: While namelaka can be stored for a few days in the refrigerator, it's best to use it as fresh as possible to enjoy its optimal texture and flavor.
  10. Pairing with Other Desserts: Namelaka pairs well with a wide range of desserts, but consider balancing the sweetness of the namelaka with less sweet bases or incorporating contrasting textures for an exciting dessert experience.

Final Remark

Savor the velvety delight of namelaka! Whether it's for a special occasion or a sweet indulgence, this creamy dessert is sure to impress. Get creative with flavors and enjoy the blissful experience of namelaka in your favorite treats. Happy baking!

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